Burlington has lost an icon. Many of us have lost a mentor. Bryce Leggatt has passed away after
a five-year battle with cancer. You knew this news was coming but it is still hard to hear. Our
lives and our community have been lessened by this loss. The breadth of the impact of Mr.
Bryce Leggatt on life in Burlington spans education, community service, athletics and so much
more. Bryce was a beloved principal at several Burlington high schools. Teachers can say that
they inspired hundreds of students. Bryce mentored hundreds of TEACHERS and all of them are
better for meeting Bryce and all are hurting with the news. His many colleagues with Rotary can
attest to his passion for service. A co-founder of the Burlington Sports Hall of Fame ( BSHOF),
Bryce never wanted the spotlight shined on him but relished in the success of others and the
pride in Burlington. His style of intense friendship and classy demeanor should be a role model
for any leader in any walk of life.
In the hours and days since his death here are some of the platitudes that have been expressed:
“Never – and I mean never – have I walked thro’ life with a man with such integrity...
Indeed – Bryce is in “a league of his own.”
“All of us are better people for having walked – even “run” - with Bryce Leggatt...
He played a huge role in my life...”
“People like Bryce just get that the results of a game pale in comparison to the impact we can
have on others. The world was just lessened today with this loss.”
“He will be missed however his light will still shine in me when I remember
his contagious smile and generosity.”
Bryce Leggatt simply made the world a better place. He saw the best in everyone and made the
best of any situation. A fine athlete in his own right, Bryce turned to officiating and maybe that
noble profession showed the best version of Bryce Leggatt. He used every game to bring out
the best in every player, to bring out the best in the game. He diffused many high-energy
situations just with the way his classy approach made everyone else respect the process. The
greatest thing about Bryce Leggatt is that he made others feel good about themselves just
because a person of such stature showed respect and genuine pride.
As the loss has impacted Burlington, we wish best thoughts to Bryce’s widow and best friend
Barbara Seldon Leggatt and his children. May your memories be blessings.