It is with heavy hearts that the Burlington Sports Hall of Fame posthumously inducts
Bryce Leggatt into the builder category. Not only has Bryce had an impact on
Burlington sports, but he has brought honor to our city and demonstrated pride in
Burlington through his exceptional leadership, commitment, and achievements. The
breadth of his impact on life in Burlington spans education, community service, athletics
and so much more. Prior to becoming an administrator in the Halton board, Bryce
committed to kids in his role as a physical and health educator and coach. He also
showed a passion for service with the Rotary Club as well as working with the Halton
Adolescent Support Services. As co-founder of the Burlington Sports Hall of Fame,
Bryce recognized the need to honour and recognize excellence in sport as builders and
athletes in our community.
A great athlete in his own right, Bryce was an Ontario lntercollegiate Athletic
Association (OIAA) Football All Star at McMaster University in 'lgM and in that year
was drafted by the Ottawa RoughRiders. Post his athletic career, teaching was clearly
his calling. That noble profession showed the very best version of Bryce Leggaft. He
was a member of both the Hamilton Board of Approved Basketball and the &
Lakeshore Football Association Officials and attained a high level of competency in both
basketball and football at the high school, amateur, and intercollegiate levels. Bryce
defined: Once a teacher, always a teacher, in his role as an official Bryce guided young
people, on the court and on the playing field. ln 2005 Bryce was welcomed as a
member of the Kitsch MacPherson Award (OUA) West Officials Hall of Fame.
ln 2009 Bryce was the recipient of the Province of Ontario Award for Community
Service. And in 2016 Bryce received the Burlington AJ Dunn Sportsperson of the Year
Award, the award is presented to the volunteer whose leadership and initiative over a
number of years has led to the advancement of sport in the City of Burlington.
Bryce's strength was seeing the potential and talent in someone, tapping them on the
shoulder to get involved, building coalitions that got things done, and then sifting back
and letting others shine.
A class act that always represented our city with pride, the Burlington Sports Hall of
Fame is honoured to induct Bryce Leggatt into its builder category.